domingo, março 19

Off topic maravilhoso

Li no, pra lá de irônico, blog Humm..., que não tem jeito, pelas contas matemáticas, o Brasil vai ser de novo campeão.

1. Brasil gano la copa mundial en 1994, antes que eso, ganaron el mundial en 1970.
Sumen 1970 + 1994 = 3964

2. Argentina gano su última copa mundial en 1986, antes que eso ganaron el mundial en 1978.
Sumen 1978 + 1986 = 3964

3. Alemania gano su última copa mundial en 1990, antes que eso, ganaron el mundial en 1974.
Sumen 1974 + 1990 = 3964

4. El mundial 2002 Brasil repitió el campeonato, y es lógico, ya que si sumamos 1962 (donde Brasil fue campeón) + 2002 = 3964, por lo tanto, Brasil debía ser el campeón, y así fué.

5. Y si se quiere pronosticar el campeón para Alemania 2006. Resten 3964 - 2006 = 1958… Ese año el campeón mundial fue Brasil, así que se escuchan pronósticos para el 2006…..

Desculpem pelo off topic, estilo correntinha, mas não me contive.


At 7:18 AM, Anonymous Anônimo said...

Lion and The Fox

A lion, his wife, and a fox were sitting together. The fox was making fun of the lion saying why don’t you cut your ugly hair; you call yourself the king of the jungle more like the mop of the jungle. Oh, you think your so fierce, you sissy. The lion’s wife had enough of this. She told her husband “If you aren’t going to make the fox stop I will”. The lion looked at her and said “Be calm and ignore him he just wants to make you angry. Ignore him” The fox hearing this told her that if her husband was a real lion he would defend her. The lioness very angry by now attacked the fox. The fox ran and ran, but the lioness was close on his heel. He entered a pipe and got out on the other end, but the lioness was stuck. So he took a cigarette and started burning her ass. Finally when the lioness got out of the pipe she went to her husband with her head bent low. He looked at her and said: “He took you to the pipe.” I have been there!

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At 1:19 PM, Anonymous Anônimo said...

Teacher:- "Right, there are five birds sitting on a telephone line. A farmer comes along with his gun and shoots one of them. How many are left?"

Little Johnny:- "None Miss".

Teacher:- "Could you tell me why?"

Little Johnny:- "Well Miss, when the farmer shot the bird, the sound of the gun would have frightened the other birds away".

Teacher:- "Well, the answer I was looking for was four. But I like your thinking."

Little Johnny:- "Miss, while were asking questions, could I ask you one?"

Teacher:- "Its a bit irregular, but go on then"

Little Johnny:- "There are three women sitting on a bench in the park, eating ice lollies. One of them is licking the lolly; one is biting it; and one is putting it in and out of her mouth. Which one is married?"

Teacher (rather embarrassed):- "Err... I suppose it was the last one."

Little Johnny:- "Well Id have said the one with the wedding ring. But I like your thinking."

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At 3:01 PM, Anonymous Anônimo said...

A woman goes to the doctor for her yearly physical.
The nurse starts with certain basic items.
"How much do you weigh?" she asks.
"115," she says.
The nurse puts her on the scale.
It turns out her weight is 140.

The nurse asks, "Your height?"
"5 foot 8," she says.
The nurse checks and sees that she only measures 5' 5".

She then takes her blood pressure
And tells the woman it is very high.
"Of course it's high!" she screams,
"When I came in here I was tall and slender!
Now I'm short and fat!"

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